We do not obtain investor personal information in any way other than logging in using Trust Wallet and MetaMask.
Check the current prices of TRX and ETH and the profit ratio based on the MARGEX total staking amount multiplied by the assets held.
MARGEX takes just a few minutes to verify your assets and there are no lockups on your staking assets.
MARGEX is used to maintain, verify, and secure the blockchain and provides rewards in return.
We overcome the shortcomings of traditional staking, such as volatility risk, token locking, and dishonest validators, and operate within a decentralized framework, which means there is no single “boss.” This fact significantly reduces the risk of network operations.
Trust Wallet and MetaMask are the leading self-custodial multi-chain platform wallets used by over 300 million people around the world.
Trust Wallet is a mobile-focused software wallet acquired by Binance. It features a user-friendly interface and easy usability.
MetaMask is the most used virtual currency wallet in the world where you can store and transfer virtual currencies such as Ethereum.
The company operates with official support from Trust and MetaMask